Apple IIc Plus Printer/Modem port
- 8 Pin MiniDIN female connector
Pin | Signal | Name | Notes |
1 | DTR | Data Terminal Ready | becomes active when the IIc is ready to go on line |
2 | DSR | Data Set Ready | is asserted by the device the IIc is connected to when it is ready to go on line |
3 | TD | Transmit Data | conveys serial data sent from the IIc |
4 | GND | Ground | |
5 | RD | Read Data | receives serial data sent from the device to the IIc it is connected to |
6 | GND | Ground | |
7 | NC | Not Connected | |
8 | GND | Ground |
Modem Start-up Characteristics
- 300 baud
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- 1 stop bit
- No screen echo
- No Line Feed after Carriage Return (no LF after CR)
- No Carriage Returns in output stream
- Command Char= Control-A
Printer Start-up Characteristics
- 9600 baud
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- 2 stop bits
- 80-column line
- No screen echo
- Line Feed after Carriage Return
- Command Char= Control-I