Apple II Slot

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Apple II - 50 pin female bus connector Apple II - 50 pin female bus connector

Expansion Slot Connector for the Apple II Series Interface/Add On Cards. This Bus has been modified over the various versions of Apple IIs (check pins 19,35 and 39).

Pin Name Direction Description
1 /IOSEL OUT I/O Select. Active when page $Cn gets accessed. N.C. on slot 0
2 A0 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
3 A1 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
4 A2 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
5 A3 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
6 A4 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
7 A5 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
8 A6 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
9 A7 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
10 A8 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
11 A9 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
12 A10 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
13 A11 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
14 A12 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
15 A13 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
16 A14 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
17 A15 IN/OUT Buffered address bus
18 R/W IN/OUT Buffered Read/Write signal.
19 SYNC OUT Only Slot 7. SYNC from Video Generator. Not on Rev 0 Boards. Testpin on Slot 1 for //e
20 /IOSTRB OUT I/O Strobe. Active when $C800 and $CFFF gets accessed
21 /RDY IN Activation during Phi1 will halt the CPU, with the address bus holding the last address
22 /DMA IN Activation disables the 6502"s address bus and halts the CPU
23 /INTOUT IN Daisy-chained interrupt output to lower priority devices
24 /DMAOUT IN Daisy-chained DMA output to lower priority devices
25 +5V +5 Volt power supply. Max. 500mA for ALL peripheral boards
26 GND System electrical ground
27 /DMAIN OUT Daisy-chained DMA input from higher priority devices
28 /INTIN OUT Daisy-chained interrupt input from higher priority devices
29 /NMI IN Non-Maskable Interrupt. Monitor ROM starts interrupt handling routine at location $3FB
30 /IRQ IN Interrupt ReQuest. Monitor starts the routine pointed to by $3FE/F
31 /RES IN RESet
32 /INH IN INHibits the on board ROMs ($D000-$FFFF)
33 -12V -12 Volt power supply. Max. 200mA for ALL peripheral boards
34 -5V -5 Volt power supply. Max. 200mA for ALL peripheral boards
35 COLORREF OUT Only Slot 7. 3.5 MHz Video COLOR REF. Not on Rev 0 Boards. Testpin on Slot 1 for //e. M2B0 on A2gs
36 7M OUT 7Mhz clock
37 Q3 OUT 2Mhz asymetrical clock
38 PHI1 OUT 1 MHz phase 1 clock
39 Various OUT USER1 on A2: Disable adressdecode. 65C02 SYNC on A2e. M2SEL on A2gs
40 PHI0 OUT 1 MHz phase 0 clock (Inverted PHI1)
41 /DEVSEL OUT DEVice SELect. Active when $C0nX gets accessed; n - Slot#+8
42 D7 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
43 D6 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
44 D5 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
45 D4 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
46 D3 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
47 D2 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
48 D1 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
49 D0 IN/OUT Buffered bi-directional data bus
50 +12V +12 Volt power supply. Max. 250mA for ALL peripheral boards
  • (/) Active Low Signal


Category:Buses Connectors


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