Acer N30, N35, N310, N311, N50

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PDA connectors and cables

4 pin USB A or USB B plug connector layout 4 pin USB A or USB B plug connector at the interface cable

26 pin Asus MyPal special connector diagram 26 pin Asus MyPal special connector at the PDA

Pin Nr. Classification Pin Name I/O Description
01 POWER GND Signal ground, Battery charging ground
02 GND Signal ground, Battery charging ground
03 GND Signal ground, Battery charging ground
04 N.C.
05 RS232 COM_DCD I Full Function UART Data-Carrier-Detect
06 COM_DSR I Full Function UART Data-Set-Ready
07 COM_RXD I Full Function UART Receive
08 COM_RI I Full Function UART Ring Indicator
09 COM_CTS I Full Function UART Clear-to-Send
10 COM_DTR O Full Function UART Data-Terminal-Ready
11 COM_TXD O Full Function UART Transmit
12 COM_RTS O Full Function UART Request-to-Send
13 USB CLIENT IO_DEV_USBN I-O USB Client Device D - (negative) signal
14 USB CLIENT IO_DEV_USBP I-O USB Client Device D + (positive) signal
15 USB HOST IO_HOST_USBN I-O USB Host Device D - (negative) signal
16 USB HOST IO_HOST_USBP I-O USB Host Device D + (positive) signal
17 POWER out VBUS O Provide power to USB device (PDA is host) (+)
18 POWER in USB_CHARGE I Charge battery via USB from external computer
(PDA is client). Two types of charging current :
100mA or 500mA depending on your power supply (+)
20 N.C.
21 EXT SPKR SPCAROUT O Speaker signal output to accessory
22 EXT SPKR DET CARDETECT I Detection : Turns off internal speaker if external is present
23 N.C.
24 POWER +ADAP I Positive terminal of DC adaptor that powers the internal charging circuit of Li-Ion battery. The approved power supply is 5.0V ± 5% @ 2A
25 +ADAP I
26 +ADAP I

This pinout may be incorrect in case of USB HOST connection used. Pins 21,22 are not connected on Acer n30. USB cable pinout

USB Pin USB Signal Acer pin(s)
1 USB +5V 18,19,24,25,26
2 USB D- 13
3 USB D+ 14
4 Gnd/shield 1,2,3



Category:PDA Connectors


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