Apple Digital Video Application (DVA)

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Apple Digital Video Application (DVA) is somewhat similar to the Digital Audio/Video connector. Available on Apple Macintosh LC 630 and Quadra 630

Pin Description
1 Y bit 7
2 Y bit 6
3 Y bit 5
4 Y bit 4
5 Y bit 3
6 Y bit 2
7 Y bit 1
8 Y bit 0
9 UV bit 7
10 UV bit 6
11 UV bit 5
12 UV bit 4
13 UV bit 3
14 UV bit 2
15 UV bit 1
16 UV bit 0
17 Ground
18 Line-locked clock (LLC) in
19 Ground
20 Clock reference (CREF) in
21 Ground
22 Vertical sync (VS) In
23 Ground
24 Horizontal Sync (HS) In
25 Ground
26 Horizontal Reference Signal (HREF) In
27 Ground
28 YUV Direction Signal (DIR)
29 Ground
30 Reserved
31 Ground
32 Analog audio input left
33 Analog audio input common
34 Analog audio input right


Category:Computer Video Connectors


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