VME64 - VME64x (VERSAmodule Eurocard) P2

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VME64 P2 - 160 pin DIN (41612, Type C Expanded) 5 rows x 32 pins VME64 P2 Connector - 160 pin DIN (41612, Type C Expanded) 5 rows x 32 pins [Pitch 2.54mm (.100")] @ ANSI/VITA 1-1994

VMEbus is a computer architecture. The term ‘VME’ stands for VERSAmodule Eurocard and was first coined in 1980 by the group of manufacturers who defined it. This group was composed of people from Motorola, Mostek and Signetics corporations who were cooperating to define the standard. The term ‘bus’ is a generic term describing a computer data path, hence the name VMEbus. Actually, the origin of the term ‘VME’ has never been formally defined. Other widely used definitions are VERSAbus-E, VERSAmodule Europe and VERSAmodule European. However, the term ‘Eurocard’ tends to fit better, as VMEbus was originally a combination of the VERSAbus electrical standard, and the Eurocard mechanical form factor. VERSAbus was first defined by Motorola Corporation in 1979 for its 68000 microprocessor. VME64 and VME64x (optional) comes with an enhanced connector. Five rows instead of the old 3 rows used in the original VME specification. The new 160 pin DIN (5 row x 32 pin) adds rows “z” and “d”. Primary additions are power (+3.3 volts) and ground (GND) on P1 (Pinout on the next page) and ‘User Defined’ signals on P2. Rows “A”, “B”, and “C” remain unchanged. The pinouts shown below are as defined by VME64x. If your using the VME 64 specification all pins in row ’d’ becomes “reserved”, and every other pin (non-ground; GND) in row ‘z’ becomes “reserved”. Other wise the pin-out is the same between VME64 and VME64x. That would imply rows ’d’ and ‘z’ are not bussed in VME64. These new 5 row connectors will still accept the original 3 row connectors as a mate. The 2 new rows (z and d) were added as ‘compression’ pins on the exterior of the 3 row DIN connector.

Pin # Signal Name Signal Name Signal Name Signal Name Signal Name
Row z Row A Row B Row C Row d
1 User Defined User Defined +5v User Defined User Defined
2 GND User Defined GND User Defined User Defined
3 User Defined User Defined RETRY User Defined User Defined
4 GND User Defined A24 User Defined User Defined
5 User Defined User Defined A25 User Defined User Defined
6 GND User Defined A26 User Defined User Defined
7 User Defined User Defined A27 User Defined User Defined
8 GND User Defined A28 User Defined User Defined
9 User Defined User Defined A29 User Defined User Defined
10 GND User Defined A30 User Defined User Defined
11 User Defined User Defined A31 User Defined User Defined
12 GND User Defined GND User Defined User Defined
13 User Defined User Defined +5v User Defined User Defined
14 GND User Defined D16 User Defined User Defined
15 User Defined User Defined D17 User Defined User Defined
16 GND User Defined D18 User Defined User Defined
17 User Defined User Defined D19 User Defined User Defined
18 GND User Defined D20 User Defined User Defined
19 User Defined User Defined D21 User Defined User Defined
20 GND User Defined D22 User Defined User Defined
21 User Defined User Defined D23 User Defined User Defined
22 GND User Defined GND User Defined User Defined
23 User Defined User Defined D24 User Defined User Defined
24 GND User Defined D25 User Defined User Defined
25 User Defined User Defined D26 User Defined User Defined
26 GND User Defined D27 User Defined User Defined
27 User Defined User Defined D28 User Defined User Defined
28 GND User Defined D29 User Defined User Defined
29 User Defined User Defined D30 User Defined User Defined
30 GND User Defined D31 User Defined User Defined
31 User Defined User Defined GND User Defined GND
32 GND User Defined +5V User Defined VPC


  • (*) Active Low
  • The VMEbus signal types are listed below:
    • Open collector signals which require Open Collector drivers and receivers: ACFail, BBSY, BERR, DTACK, IACK, SERDAT, SYSFAIL, SYSRESET, [IRQ1 - IRQ7], and [BR0 - BR3].
    • Three-State signals which require 3-State drivers and receivers: AS, DS0, DS1, DTACK, RETRY, IACK, LWORD, WRITE, [AM0 - AM5], [A01 - A31], and [D00 - D31].
    • Totem-Pole signals which require Totem-Pole drivers and receivers: BCLR, SYSCLK, SERCLK, IACKIN, IACKOUT, [BG0IN - BG3IN], [BG0OUT - BG3OUT].

Signal Descriptions

  • A01 - A31: Address lines [A01 - A31] carry a binary address.
  • AM0 - AM5: The address modifier code [AM0 - AM5] is a “tag” that indicates the type of VMEbus cycle in progress.
  • BG0IN* - BG3IN*, BG0OUT* - BG3OUT*: The bus grant signals [BG0IN* - BG3IN* and BG0OUT* - BG3OUT*] are part of the bus grant daisy chain and are driven by arbiters and requesters. The slot 01 arbiter asserts a bus grant in response to a bus request on the same level [BR0* - BR3*]. The bus grant daisy-chain starts at the slot 01 system controller and propagates from module to module until it reaches the module that initially requested the bus. Each VMEbus module has a bus grant input and a bus grant output. They are standard totem-pole class signals.
  • BR0* - BR3*: Bus requests [BR0* - BR3*] are asserted by a requester whenever its master or interrupt han-dler needs the bus. Before accepting the bus, the master waits until the arbiter grants the bus by way of the bus grant daisy-chain [BG0IN* - BG3IN*]. They are open-collector class signals.
  • D00-D31: Data bus [D00-D31] is driven by masters, slaves or interrupters. These are bi-directional sig-nals and are used for data transfers. Different portions of the data bus are used de-pending upon the state of DS0*, DS1*, A01 and LWORD* pins. They are standard three-state signals. The data lines can also be used to transfer a portion of the address during MD32, MBLT and 2eVME cycles.
  • DS0*, DS1*: Data strobes DS0* and DS1* are driven by masters and interrupt handlers. These sig-nals serve not only to qualify data, but also to indicate the size and position of the data transfer. When combined with LWORD* and A01, the data strobes indicate the size and type of data transfer. DS0* - DS1* are high current three-state class signals.
  • DTACK*: Data transfer acknowledge [DTACK*] is driven by slaves or interrupters. During write cycles DTACK* is asserted by a slave after it has latched data. During read and inter-rupt acknowledge cycles, DTACK* is asserted by a slave after data is placed onto the bus. DTACK* can be an open-collector or a high current three-state class signal.
  • GA0* - GA4*: The geographical address [GA0*-GA4*] is a binary code that indicates the slot number of the backplane. They are open collector signals, and were added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • GAP*: The geographical address parity [GAP*] is tied high or floating, depending upon the parity of the geographical address lines [GA0*-GA4*]. It is an open collector signal, and was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • GND: Ground [GND] is used both as a signal reference and a power return path.
  • IACK*: Interrupt acknowledge [IACK*] is driven by interrupt handlers in response to interrupt re-quests. It is connected to IACKIN* at slot 01 (on the backplane), and used by the IACK* daisy-chain driver to start propagation of the [IACKIN* - IACKOUT*] daisy-chain. IACK* can be either an open-collector or a standard three-state class signal.
  • IACKIN*, IACKOUT*: The interrupt acknowledge daisy chain [IACKIN* - IACKOUT*] is driven by the IACK* daisy-chain driver. These signals are used both to indicate that an interrupt acknowledge cycle is in progress, and to determine which interrupters should return a STATUS/ID. They are standard totem-pole class signals.
  • IRQ1*-IRQ7*: Priority interrupt requests [IRQ1*-IRQ7*] are asserted by interrupters. Level seven is the high-est priority, and level one the lowest. They are open-collector class signals.
  • LI/I*: The live insertion input [LI/I*] signal is used to carry hot swap (live insertion) control information. It is a three state driven signal and was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • LI/O*: The live insertion output [LI/O*] signal is used to carry hot swap (live insertion) control information. It is a three state driven signal and was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • LWORD*: Long word [LWORD*] is driven by masters. It is used in conjunction with A01, DS0* and DS1* to indicate the size of the current data transfer. LWORD* is a standard three-state class signal. During 64-bit address transfers, LWORD* doubles as address bit A00. During 64-bit data transfers, LWORD* doubles as a data bit.
  • MCLK, MCTL, MMD, MPR, MSD: These signals are part of the IEEE 1149.5 MTM bus. They are three-state driven signals which was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • RESERVED: The RESERVED signal pin is obsolete and is no longer used. Under the IEEE 1014-1987 version of the bus specification there was a single reserved pin. This pin was redefined under VME64 as the RETRY* pin. The VME64x specification uses the names RsvB and RsvU for reserved pins.
  • RESP*: The response [RESP*] signal is used to carry the information as defined by the 2eVME protocol. It was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • RsvB: The reserved/bused [RsvB] signal should not be used. VME64x backplanes must bus and terminate this signal. It was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • RsvU: The reserved/unbused [RsvU] signal should not be used. VME64x backplanes must not bus or terminate this signal. It was added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • RETRY*: [RETRY*], together with [BERR*], can be asserted by a slave to postpone a data transfer. The master must then attempt the cycle again at a later time. The retry cycle prevents deadlock (deadly embrace) conditions in bus-to-bus links and sec-ondary buses. RETRY* is a standard three-state signal. The [RETRY*] signal was added in the ANSI/VITA 1-1994 (VME64) version of the bus spec-ification. This pin was RESERVED in earlier versions. However, boards that support [RETRY*] should work just fine with older backplanes, as they were required to bus and terminate this signal line.
  • SERA, SERB: The [SERA] and [SERB] signals are used for an (optional) serial bus such as the AUTOBAHN (IEEE 1394) or VMSbus. Under the ANSI/VITA 1-1994 (VME64) bus specification, these pins can be used for any user defined serial bus. Earlier versions of the VMEbus specification defined these pins as [SERCLK] and [SERDAT*], which were originally intended for a serial bus called VMSbus. However, they were rarely used for that purpose.
  • SERCLK, SERDAT*: The [SERCLK] and [SERDAT*] signals were made obsolete under the ANSI/VITA 1-1994 (VME64) bus specification. Refer to [SERA] and [SERB] for more details.
  • SYSCLK: 16 MHz utility clock [SYSCLK] is driven by the slot 01 system controller. This clock can be used for any purpose, and has no timing relationship to other VMEbus signals. SYSCLK* is a high current totem-pole class signal.
  • SYSFAIL*: System fail [SYSFAIL*] can be asserted or monitored by any module. It indicates that a failure has occurred in the system. Implementation of [SYSFAIL*] is user de-fined, and its use is optional. SYSFAIL* is an open-collector class signal.
  • SYSRESET*: System reset [SYSRESET*] can be driven by any module and indicates that a reset (such as power-up) is in progress. SYSRESET* is an open-collector class signal.
  • UsrDef, UD: Pins that are user defined [specified as “UsrDef” or “UD”] can be specified by the user. Generally, they are routed directly through the backplane so that they can be connected to cables or to rear I/O transition modules.
  • VPC: Voltage pre-charge [VPC] pins forma a “make first / break last” contact. They are intended to be used as pre-charge power sources for live insertion logic. These pins were added to the 160 pin P1/J1 and P2/J2 connectors in the VME64x specification. The VPC pins are connected to the +5 VDC power supply on VME64x backplanes. These pins may also be used as additional +5 VDC power pins in boards that do not support live insertion.
  • +V1, -V1, +V2, -V2: The [+/- V1/V2] power pins supply 38 - 75 VDC to the bus module. They are also known as the auxiliary power pins, and were originally intended to be used as 48 VDC battery supplies in Telecom systems. However, they can be used for any purpose. These pins were added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • WRITE*: The read / write signal [WRITE*] is driven by masters. It indicates the direction of data transfer over the bus. It is asserted during a write cycle and negated during a read cycle. WRITE* is a stan-dard three-state class signal.
  • +5V STDBY: [+5V STDBY] is an optional +5 VDC standby power supply. This power pin is often connected to a rechargable battery. This eliminates the need for individual batteries on VMEbus modules. Individual batteries are often used for real time clock and static RAM chips.
  • +3.3 V: Main +3.3 VDC power source. These pins were added to the 160 pin P1/J1 connector in the VME64x specification.
  • +5 VDC, +12 VDC, -12 VDC: The main system power supplies are [+5 VDC], [+12 VDC] and [-12 VDC].


Category:Buses Connectors


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