Psion Organiser II Top Slot (D)

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PDA connectors and cables

16 pin Psion II special connector layout 16 pin Psion II special connector at the top slot (D) of Psion Organiser II (keypad up?)

Pin Signal Description
1 SD7 Data Bit 7
2 SD0 Data Bit 0
3 SD6 Data Bit 6
4 SD1 Data Bit 1
5 SD5 Data Bit 5
6 SD2 Data Bit 2
7 SD4 Data Bit 4
8 SD3 Data Bit 3
9 GND 0 Volts
10 SCK Undefined Control Line
11 SVB External Power Input / Battery Output Voltage - 0.6 Volt
12 SS3 Slot Select 3
13 SCVV +5 Volts
14 AC External On/Clear
15 SOME Undefined Control Line
16 SMR Undefined Control Line



Category:PDA Connectors


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