O2 Xda II , QTEK 2020, SPV M1000, Dopod 696 (all Himalaya) headphone / headset / handsfree

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PDA connectors and cables

4 pin 3.5mm (2.5mm) plug connector layout 4 pin 3.5mm (2.5mm) plug connector at the headset cable (with an addition sleve)

Pin Signal Description
1 (Tip) Left ear white
2 (Ring 1) Right ear red
3 (Ring 2) Mic/Switch 1 (Answer Call) blue
4 (Sleeve) Ground Copper
not drawn (Outer Sleeve Ring) Switch 2 (End Call)


  • There are two buttons on the remote: one for pickup and one for hangup.


Category:PDA Connectors


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