Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket LOOX N520, 720

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PDA connectors and cables

26 pin Asus MyPal special connector layout 26 pin Asus MyPal special connector at the PDA (keypad DOWN)

Pin Signal Description
1,6,10,21 GND
2,3,4,5 Charge IN 5V
7 USB Client 5V IN
8 USB Client D-
9 USB Client D+
11 USB Host Power Out +5V
12 RXD for GPS receiver (for example)
13 TXD for GPS receiver (for example)
14 CTS
15 RTS
16 DTR
17 DSR
18 DCD
19 Cradle 3V
20 Audio Out Right
22 Audio Out Left
23 Ñradle CHG_ENB
24 Audio Out switch (active low) should be connected to GND by button to switch Ext/Int audio
25 USB Host D-
26 USB Host D+



Category:PDA Connectors


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