Creative Zen Vision:M dock

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PDA connectors and cables

Name Pin Description
1 GND Ground
2 D+ USB 3
3 D- USB 2
4 VBus USB 1
5 ID USB 4
6 N/A empty
7 BT_CTL Control pin for the navigation buttons. Different resistor values push different buttons.
8 N/A empty
9 N/A empty
10 N/A empty
11 GND Ground
12 N/A empty
13 5 VDC + USB Power 5 VDC (+)
14 5 VDC + USB Power 5 VDC (+)
15 5 VDC + USB Power 5 VDC (+)
16 5 VDC + USB Power 5 VDC (+)
17 R1 10k ohm
18 GND R1 Groun/ combined and connected to Ground to other side of R1
19 GND R1 Ground/combined and connected to Ground to other side of R1
20 GND RCA 1-2-3 ground Video Ground
21 N/A empty
22 N/A empty
23 GND Ground
24 RCA 1 - Signal Audio L
25 GND Ground
26 RCA 3 - Signal Audio R
27 GND Ground
28 Switch (Normally closed [grounded])(Open when AV cable is inserted)
29 N/A empty
30 RCA 2 - Signal Video



Category:PDA Connectors


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