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The connector used with CompactFlash is similar to the PCMCIA Card connector, but with 50 pins. The connector in the host consists of two rows of 25 male contacts each on 50 mil (1.27 mm) centers.

Compact Flash 50 Pin Female Connector Compact Flash 50 Pin Female Connector


PC Card Memory Mode PC Card I/O Mode True IDE Mode4
Pin Num Signal Name Pin Type
1 GND -
2 D03 I/O
3 D04 I/O
4 D05 I/O
5 D06 I/O
6 D07 I/O
7 -CE1 I
8 A10 I
9 -OE I
10 A09 I
11 A08 I
12 A07 I
13 VCC -
14 A06 I
15 A05 I
16 A04 I
17 A03 I
18 A02 I
19 A01 I
20 A00 I
21 D00 I/O
22 D01 I/O
23 D02 I/O
24 WP O
25 -CD2 O
26 -CD1 O
27 D111 I/O
28 D121 I/O
29 D131 I/O
30 D141 I/O
31 D151 I/O
32 -CE21 I
33 -VS1 O
34 -IORD
35 -IOWR
36 -WE I
38 VCC -
39 -CSEL5 I
40 -VS2 O
42 -WAIT
44 -REG
45 BVD2 O
46 BVD1 O
47 D081 I/O
48 D091 I/O
49 D101 I/O
50 GND -


  • Low active signals have a “-” prefix.
    1. These signals are required only for 16 bit accesses and not required when installed in 8 bit systems. Devices should allow for 3-state signals not to consume current.
    1. The signal should be grounded by the host.
    1. The signal should be tied to VCC by the host.
    1. The mode is optional for CF+ Cards, but required for CompactFlash Storage Cards.
    1. The -CSEL signal is ignored by the card in PC Card modes. However, because it is not pulled up on the card in these modes, it should not be left floating by the host in PC Card modes. In these modes, the pin should be connected by the host to PC Card A25 or grounded by the host.
    1. If DMA operations are not used, the signal should be held high or tied to VCC by the host. For proper operation in older hosts: while DMA operations are not active, the card shall ignore this signal, including a floating condition
    1. Signal usage in True IDE Mode except when Ultra DMA mode protocol is active.
    1. Signal usage in True IDE Mode when Ultra DMA mode protocol DMA Write is active.
    1. Signal usage in True IDE Mode when Ultra DMA mode protocol DMA Read is active.
    1. Signal usage in PC Card I/O and Memory Mode when Ultra DMA mode protocol DMA Write is active.
    1. Signal usage in PC Card I/O and Memory Mode when Ultra DMA mode protocol DMA Read is active.
    1. Signal usage in PC Card I/O and Memory Mode when Ultra DMA protocol is active.
    1. Signal is a totem-pole output during Ultra DMA data bursts in True IDE mode.

Electrical Description

The CompactFlash Storage Card functions in three basic modes:

    1. PC Card ATA using I/O Mode
    1. PC Card ATA using Memory Mode
    1. True IDE Mode, which is compatible with most disk drives.

CompactFlash Storage Cards are required to support all three modes. The CF+ Cards normally function in the first and second modes, however they can optionally function in True IDE mode. The configuration of the CompactFlash Card shall be controlled using the standard PCMCIA PC Card configuration registers starting at address 200h in the Attribute Memory space of the storage card or for True IDE Mode, pin 9 being grounded. The configuration of the CF+ Card shall be controlled using configuration registers starting at the address defined in the Configuration Tuple (CISTPL_CONFIG) in the Attribute Memory space of the CF+ Card.

Differences Between CF Storage Card and CF Adapter

The CompactFlash Storage Card and the CompactFlash CF+ Card are electrically compatible with the CompactFlash Adapter. When a CompactFlash or CF+ card is installed in a CompactFlash adapter, the combination conforms to the PCMCIA PC Card Standard. CompactFlash products use a 50 pin connector and CompactFlash Adapters use a 68 pin connector. Both connectors use less than 50 signals. Table 50 shows the pinout differences between the CompactFlash Storage/CF+ Card and the CompactFlash Adapter.

CF Adapter 68 Pin 68 Pin Pin # 50 Pin Pin # CF Storage/ CF+ Card 50 Pin CF Adapter 68 Pin 68 Pin Pin # 50 Pin Pin # CF Storage/ CF+ Card 50 Pin
- - - 50 Pin - - - 50 Pin
GND Pin 1 Pin 1 GND GND Pin 35 Pin 1 GND
D03 Pin 2 Pin 2 D03 -CD1 Pin 36 Pin 26 -CD1
D04 Pin 3 Pin 3 D04 D11 Pin 37 Pin 27 D11
D05 Pin 4 Pin 4 D05 D12 Pin 38 Pin 28 D12
D06 Pin 5 Pin 5 D06 D13 Pin 39 Pin 29 D13
D07 Pin 6 Pin 6 D07 D14 Pin 40 Pin 30 D14
-CE1 Pin 7 Pin 7 -CE1 (-CS0) D15 Pin 41 Pin 31 D15
A10 Pin 8 Pin 8 A10 -CE2 Pin 42 Pin 32 -CE2 (-CS1)
-OE Pin 9 Pin 9 -OE (_ATA SEL) -VS1 Pin 43 Pin 33 -VS1
A11 Pin 10 - - -IORD Pin 44 Pin 34 -IORD
A09 Pin 11 Pin 10 A09 -IOWR Pin 45 Pin 35 -IOWR
A08 Pin 12 Pin 11 A08 A17 Pin 46 - -
A13 Pin 13 - - A18 Pin 47 - -
A14 Pin 14 - - A19 Pin 48 - -
-WE Pin 15 Pin 36 -WE A20 Pin 49 - -
READY /-IREQ Pin 16 Pin 37 READY /-IREQ (INTRQ) A21 Pin 50 - -
VCC Pin 17 Pin 13 VCC VCC Pin 51 Pin 38 VCC
VPP1 Pin 18 - - VPP2 Pin 52 - -
A16 Pin 19 - - A22 Pin 53 - -
A15 Pin 20 - - A23 Pin 54 - -
A12 Pin 21 - - A24 Pin 55 - -
A07 Pin 22 Pin 12 A07 A25 Pin 56 Pin 39 CSEL
A06 Pin 23 Pin 14 A06 -VS2 Pin 57 Pin 40 -VS2
A05 Pin 24 Pin 15 A05 RESET Pin 58 Pin 41 RESET (-RESET)
A04 Pin 25 Pin 16 A04 -WAIT Pin 59 Pin 42 -WAIT (IOREADY)
A03 Pin 26 Pin 17 A03 -INPACK Pin 60 Pin 43 -INPACK (-DMARQD)
A02 Pin 27 Pin 18 A02 -REG Pin 61 Pin 44 -REG (DMACKD)
A01 Pin 28 Pin 19 A01 BVD2 /-SPKR Pin 62 Pin 45 BVD2 /-SPKR (-DASP)
A00 Pin 29 Pin 20 A00 BVD1 / -STSCHG Pin 63 Pin 46 BVD1 / -STSCHG (-PDIAG)
D00 Pin 30 Pin 21 D00 D08 Pin 64 Pin 47 D08
D01 Pin 31 Pin 22 D01 D09 Pin 65 Pin 48 D09
D02 Pin 32 Pin 23 D02 D10 Pin 66 Pin 49 D10
WP / -IOIS16 Pin 33 Pin 24 WP / -IOIS16 (-IOCS16) -CD2 Pin 67 Pin 25 -CD2
GND Pin 34 Pin 50 GND GND Pin 68 Pin 50 GND


  • A signal name appearing alone is a PC Card memory mode, PC Card I/O and True IDE signal name
  • A signal appearing alone before a “(” is both a PC Card memory mode and PC Card I/O mode signal name.
  • A signal appearing before “/” is a PC Card memory mode signal name.
  • A signal appearing after “/” is a PC Card I/O mode signal name.
  • A signal appearing in “( )” is a True IDE mode signal name.
  • A signal appearing in “( D)” is a True IDE mode DMA-only signal name.


Category:Memory Connectors


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