Apple AudioVision

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Image:connector_apple_hdi45.png 45 pin Apple HDI-45 connector at the Apple computer, looking into cable-side connector.

The Power Macintosh computers provide connection to AudioVision monitors (and other monitors when used with an adapter cable) by means of an AudioVision HDI-45 monitor socket on their back panels.

Pin Name
1 Analog audio ground
2 Audio input shield
3 Left channel audio input
4 Right channel audio input
5 Left channel audio output
6 Right channel audio output
7 Reserved
8 Monitor ID sense line 1
9 Monitor ID sense line 2
10 Green ground (shield)
11 Green video output (75 )
12 Video input power ground
13 Power for camera +5 V
14 Reserved
15 Reserved
16 Reserved
17 Reserved
18 Monitor ID sense line 3
19 S-video input shield
20 S-video input luminance (Y)
21 S-video input chroma (C)
22 Reserved
24 Reserved
25 Reserved
26 Red ground (shield)
27 Red video output (75 )
28 I2C data signal
29 I2C clock signal
30 Reserved
31 Monitor ID
32 Monitor ID
33 Vertical sync signal
34 Composite sync signal
35 ADB power +5 V
36 ADB ground
37 ADB data
38 Keyboard switch
39 Reserved
40 Reserved
41 Monitor ID
42 Horizontal sync signal
43 Video sync ground
44 Blue ground (shield)
45 Blue video output (75 )


Category:Computer Video Connectors


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