Escort Solo S2 / Passport Radar Detector

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connector or cable wiring scheme Cable for 12VDC, Remote Mute

6 pin RJ12 (6P6C) female connector layout 6 pin RJ12 (6P6C) female connector at the Radar Detector

Radar Detector Name Radar Detector Pin Direction Wires Pin Wires Name Description
LED 1 1 LED 12VDC In > 470-Ohn > Power LED > Detector > Alert LED > 2N3904 > 680k > Ground and 10k > Pin 2
12+ 2 2 12+ 12VDC Positive
GND 3 3 GND Ground
Mute 4 4 Mute Remote Mute - Use N/O Switch - Terminate after switch with 470-Ohm



Category:Car Connectors


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