ATX Motherboard Power - 20 Pin (ver. 1.x)

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ATX ver. 1.x 20 pinconnector at the power supply cable ATX ver. 1.x 20 pin connector at the power supply cable

ATX ver. 1.x 20 pin MOLEX 39-29-9202 connector at the motherboard ATX ver. 1.x 20 pin MOLEX 39-29-9202 connector at the motherboard

ATX power connector on the motherboard consists of two rows of 10 pins. This connector from the ATX power supply can only be fitted in one way

Color Pin Name Description Color Pin Name Description
orange 1 +3.3 VDC Power +3.3V orange 11 +3.3 VDC Power +3.3V
orange 2 +3.3 VDC Power +3.3V blue 12 -12 VDC Power -12V
black 3 GND Ground black 13 GND Ground
red 4 +5 VDC Power +5V green 14 PS-ON Remote Power ON/OFF
black 5 GND Ground black 15 GND Ground
red 6 +5 VDC Power +5V black 16 GND Ground
black 7 GND Ground black 17 GND Ground
grey 8 PWROK Power Good white 18 -5V Power -5V
purple 9 +5 VSB +5V Standby red 19 +5 VDC Power +5V
yellow 10 +12 VDC Power +12V red 20 +5 VDC Power +5V


  • /PSON activated by pressing and releasing the power button while the power supply is in standby mode.
  • Activating /PSON connects the power supply’s /PSON input to ground, thereby switching the power supply to full-on condition.
  • 18 AWG is recommended for all wires except pin 11, which should be 22 AWG.
  • For 300W configurations 16 AWG is recommended.

Connector part numbers

  • Motherboard connector: Molex 39-28-1203
  • Cable connector: Molex 39-01-2200
  • Terminals: Molex 39-00-0168,Molex 44476-1111
  • Maximum current per circuit: 6 amps


  • Generic Mainboard Manual

Category:Power Supply Connectors


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