Creative SCP0501000P MP3 player charger

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connector or cable wiring scheme Charger used with Creative Micro, MicroPhoto and many other Creative MP3 players

5 pin mini-USB plug connector layout 5 pin mini-USB plug connector at the AC adapter

AC adapter Pin Name Description
1 +5 VDC PC USB Pin 1 (+5 VDC)
2 USB Data not connected
3 USB Data not connected
x +3.3 VDC
4 GND PC USB Pin 4 (GND)

Did some testing on my Creative wall charger after wondering why my MicroPhoto would not charge off of a “standard” car USB charger. Found that mystery pin X carries +3.3 VDC, likely as a trigger for the player to charge if it is not seeing PC USB data on pins 2 and 3. Awaiting parts to try building my own cable for further testing.



Category:Portable Device Connectors


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