Cowon D2 EXT plug

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connector or cable wiring scheme full pinout of Cowon D2 mp3 player connector

8 pin Cowon D2 connector layout 8 pin Cowon D2 connector at the mp3 player

Cowon Pin Name Description
1 A/V-Out Left Left channel audio out. Used in VIDEO mode ONLY
2 A/V-Out Right Right channel audio out. Used in VIDEO mode ONLY
3 A/V-Out Video Video out. Used in VIDEO mode ONLY
4 A/V-Out Ground Ground used in A/V-out connection
5 Line-In Ground Ground used in Line-In connection
6 Line-In Right Right channel audio in. Used in REC (Line-In/External Mic) mode ONLY.
7 Line-In Left Left channel audio in. Used in REC (Line-In/External Mic) mode ONLY.
8 +5V DC Plus five volts direct current :)



Category:Portable Device Connectors


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