PalmOne Treo 600

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PDA connectors and cables

15 pin Palm special connector layout 15 pin Palm special connector at the bottom TREO 600

4 pin USB A or USB B plug connector diagram 4 pin USB A or USB B plug connector

Bottom TREO 600

Pin Name Direction Description
1 RXD Receive Data
2 TXD O/P Transmit Data/Power
3 No Connect GPIO to internal battery pack
4 HS2* Serial Cradle Detect
5 HS1* HotSync Interrupt
6 GND Ground
7 USB D- I/O USB Data Negative
8 USB D+ I/O USB Data Positive
9 DQ I/O 1-wire communication pin
10 PACK+ a1 Battery Positive Terminal
11 PACK+ a1 Battery Positive Terminal
12 GND Ground
13 GND Ground
14 VDOCK Cradle Power (charging)
15 VDOCK Cradle Power (charging)


  • * indicates active-low signals

USB cable

USB Pin PDA Pin Description
1 14 VBus
2 7 D+
3 8 D-
4 6 GND



Category:PDA Connectors


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