Dell Axim X50 USB Sync and charging

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PDA connectors and cables

4 pin USB A or USB B plug connector layout 4 pin USB A or USB B plug connector at the computer’s cable

36 pin Dell Axim special connector diagram 36 pin Dell Axim special connector at the PDA

Pin Signal Description
1,2,3,4 Charger In, +5.4 V May be connected to USB pin 1 VCC in USB data cable
5,6 +1.6 V Acc. Det. ?
8 GND May be used as Serial CTS?
9 RTS?
10 Rx Serial IN (TTL)
11 Tx Serial OUT (TTL)
12 GND Serial GND
13 DSR?
14 DTR?
15,16,17 GND connect to USB pin 4 in USB cable
21 USB +5V in connect to USB pin 1 Vcc in USB cable
22 USB D+ connect to USB pin 3 in USB cable
23 USB D- connect to USB pin 2 in USB cable
25 5V TTL out
26 5V ID-BIT 0 to VGA connector pin 12 (used to build your own VGA cable)
27 5V TTL out
28 H-SYNC to VGA pin 13
29 V-SYNC to VGA pin 14
30 SYNC GND to VGA pin 10
31 BLUE signal to VGA pin 3
32 BLUE GND to VGA pin 8
33 RED signal to VGA pin 1
34 RED GND to VGA pin 6
35 GREEN signal to VGA pin 2
36 GREEN GND to VGA pin 7


  • Pins 25-36 are VGA OUT (mirror mode only). Pins 8-14 are TTL SERIAL I/O.


Category:PDA Connectors


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