Sega Master System Light Phaser 3050

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The Sega Master System is an 8-bit cartridge-based video game console that was manufactured by Sega and was first released in 1986. The Light Phaser is a light gun modeled after the Zillion gun from the Japanese anime series of the same name. It basically consists of a light sensor in the tip of the gun, which is focussed on a small area of the screen; and a trigger which corresponds to joypad button 1. When the trigger is pulled, the game flashes the screen in a way that is detectable by the light sensor, and hardware built in to the console allows the game to determine where the gun is pointing.

9 PIN D-SUB MALE 9 PIN D-SUB (DE-9) MALE at the computer.

Pin Signal Dir description
1 Up n/c
2 Down n/c
3 Left n/c
4 Right n/c
6 TL IN trigger
7 TH IN light sensor
8 Gnd ground
9 TR n/c


  • The controller ports are active-low (this is achieved in hardware by leaving lines unconnected when inactive, and connecting them to Gnd when active):
    • 1 in the corresponding port register means “not pressed” or “dark”
    • 0 in the corresponding port register means “pressed” or “light”


Category:Input Device Connectors


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