HOLUX GPSlim236 Bluetooth GPS Receiver

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Image:Connector_mini_usb_b_f.png 5 pin Mini USB Type B female Connector.

Pin Name Description
1 GND Signal ground, Battery charging ground.
2 VOUT Unregulated voltage out: 3.6 V max 100mA.
3 TXD Transmit Data. From organizer to peripheral.(Voltage Level is 3.3V ~ 5.0V).
4 RXD Receive Data. Form peripheral to organizer.(Voltage level is 3.3V ~ 5.0V).
5 VCHARG Positive terminal of DC adaptor that powers the internal charging circuit of Li-Ion battery. The approved power supply is 5.0V +/- 5%@1A.


Category: GPS Connectors


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