Fortuna GPS Receiver U2

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Image:connector_minidin6f.png 6 pin mini-DIN female (PS/2 STYLE) connector.

Pin Name Description
1 KBA Data Yellow
2 Reserved (Magenta)
3 Ground Black
4 +5.0 Vac Vin Orange
5 +KBD Data Green
6 Reserved (Red)


  • Interfaces:
      1. Dual Channel RS-232 compatible level (4800-Default, 9600, 19200, 38400).
      1. NMEA 0183 Version 2.0 ASCII output (GPGGA, GPGSV, GPGSA, GPRMC).
      1. Real-time Differential Correction input (RTCM SC-104 mess age types 1, 2 and 9)


Category: GPS Connectors


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