Grandtec Ultimate Grand 2000 VGA

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Image:connector_dsubhi15f.png 15 pin highdensity D-SUB female connector.

Single HD15 connector providing connections to both the PC and a VGA monitor.

Pin Name Description
1 R out Monitor
2 G out Monitor
3 B out Monitor
4 DDC2: SDA Monitor and PC
5 G in PC
6 GND Tied to all the grounds and ID0 on PC side (5,6,7,8,10,11) some grounds on monitor (5,6,8,10)
7 G GND Tied to green ground on monitor (presumably for Sync-On-Green)
8 GND Tied to all the grounds and ID0 on PC side (5,6,7,8,10,11) some grounds on monitor (5,6,8,10)
9 R in PC
10 B in PC
11 H/C sync in PC
12 V sync in PC
13 H/C sync out Monitor
14 V sync out Monitor
15 DDC2: SCL Monitor and PC


Category:Computer Video Connectors


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