Siemens Lumberg (C25, S25, C23, M35, S35, A3x, SL45)

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Image:conn_mobile_pin_siemsc25.gif seen from bottom of phone when the phone keyboard is on top

Pin Name Description Direction
1 GND Ground -
2 SELF-SERVICE Recognition/control battery charger in/out
3 LOAD Charging voltage in
4 BATTERY Battery (S25 only) out
5 DATA OUT Data sent (S25 only) out
6 DATA IN Data received (S25 only) in
7 Z_CLK Recognition/control accessories -
8 Z_DATA Recognition/control accessories -
9 MICG Ground for microphone -
10 MIC Microphone input in
11 AUD Loudspeaker out
12 AUDG Ground for external speaker -


  • [ExiTuS],

Category:Cellular Phones Connectors


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