connector or cable wiring scheme full pinout. Used in all Pantech cell phones?
24 pin
Pantech cell phone special connector at the mobile phone
Pin | Function |
1 | +Vcharge |
2 | +Vcharge |
3 | CTS / IO / USC5 |
4 | RTS / CLK / USC4 |
5? | FS / RI / USC3 |
6 | +Vbat |
7 | +Vbat |
8? | ACCIDENT / USB Data+ |
9? | FS / RI / USC6 |
10 | RX / CTS / GPIO_1 |
11 | TX / RTS / GPIO_3 |
12 | TXD / TX / USC2 |
13 | POWERON. Connect to GND for autostart phone. |
14? | ACCDETECT / USB Data- |
15 | RXD / RX / USC1 |
16 | CLK / USC0 |
17 | JTAGEN - For activation connect to Vbat. |
18 | TDI / DAI1 / GPIO20 |
19 | TDO / DAI0 / GPIO21 |
20 | TMS / DAIRESET / GPIO19 |
21 | TCK / HSLDO0 / GPIO18 |
22 | GND |
23 | GND |
24 | GND |
- Newer Pantech cell phones may be connected to computer with simple USB cable. +Vcharge to PC USB Vcc, pin 8 to USB Data+, Pin 14 to USB Data-, GND to USB GND. Should work with Pantech PG-6100 and may be some others
- Pins 3,4,6,7,11,12,15,16,22,23,24 are used in serial data-cable
- Pins 6,7, 10,11,12,15,16,22,23,24 are used for JTAG (hi level specification by Analog Device)