MSX Expansion

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     49 47 45   5 3 1 
     | H H H  //H H H | 
     | ======//====== | 
     | H H H//  H H H | 
     50 48 46   6 4 2 

50 PIN Connector at the Computer.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 /CS1 OUT Memory Read in addresses 4000-7FFF
2 /CS2 OUT Memory Read in addresses 8000-BFFF
3 /CS12 OUT Memory Read in addresses 4000-BFFF
4 /SLTSL OUT Low when Slot 2 (cartridge slot) is selected
5 n/c - Not connected.
6 /RFSH OUT Refresh signal from CPU
7 /WAIT IN OC, Tells CPU to wait. Refresh signal is not maintained
8 /INT IN OC, Requests a interrupt to CPU (call to addr 38h)
9 /M1 OUT CPU fetches first part of instruction from memory.
10 /BUSDIR IN NC, was used to control the data direction.
11 /IORQ OUT I/O request signal. (Address=Port)
12 /MREQ OUT Memory request signal. (Address=Address)
13 /WR OUT Write signal (strobe)
14 /RD OUT Read signal (strobe)
15 /RESET IN Reset
16 n/c - Not connected.
17 A0 OUT Address 0
18 A1 OUT Address 1
19 A2 OUT Address 2
20 A3 OUT Address 3
21 A4 OUT Address 4
22 A5 OUT Address 5
23 A6 OUT Address 6
24 A7 OUT Address 7
25 A8 OUT Address 8
26 A9 OUT Address 9
27 A10 OUT Address 10
28 A11 OUT Address 11
29 A12 OUT Address 12
30 A13 OUT Address 13
31 A14 OUT Address 14
32 A15 OUT Address 15
33 D0 IN/OUT Data 0
34 D1 IN/OUT Data 1
35 D2 IN/OUT Data 2
36 D3 IN/OUT Data 3
37 D4 IN/OUT Data 4
38 D5 IN/OUT Data 5
39 D6 IN/OUT Data 6
40 D7 IN/OUT Data 7
41 GND —— Ground
42 CLOCK OUT CPU clock, 3.579 MHz
43 GND —— Ground
44 SW1 - NC, Insert/remove detection for protection
45 +5V OUT +5 VDC (300mA max /slot)
46 SW2 - NC, Insert/remove detection for protection
47 +5V OUT +5 VDC (300mA max /slot)
48 +12V OUT +12 VDC (50mA max /slot)
49 SOUNDIN IN Sound input (-5dBm)
50 -12V OUT -12 VDC (50mA max /slot)


  • Direction is Computer relative Peripheral


Category:Cartridges - Expansions Connectors


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