USB - Universal Serial Bus

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USB was developed by Compaq, Digital Equipment Corp, IBM PC Co., Intel, Microsoft, NEC and Northern Telecom. Becoming standard on motherboards, OS support standard with Microsoft Windows® 95 (OSR 2). Provides power through cable. Has hot-plugging capability.


USB Connectors

USB A 4 Pin Male 4 Pin Male “A” Connector on the cable

USB A 4 Pin Female 4 Pin Female “A” Connector on the computer

USB B 4 Pin Male Connector 4 Pin “B” Male Connector on cable

USB B 4 Pin Female Connector 4 Pin “B” Female Connector on computer

Pin Name Description Color
1 VCC +5 VDC Red
2 D- Data - White
3 D+ Data + Green
4 GND Ground Black

mini-USB Connectors

Image:connector_mini-usb_male.png 5 pin mini-USB plug connector at the peripherals.

Image:connector_mini-usb_female.png 5 pin mini-USB jack connector at the controller.

Pin Name Description Color
1 VCC +5 VDC Red
2 D- Data - White
3 D+ Data + Green
X ID May be N/C, GND or used as an attached device presence indicator (shorted to GND with resistor).
4 GND Ground Black

Mainboard USB Connector

10 pin IDC male connector 10 pin IDC male connector at the motherboard

Pin Name Description Port
1 VCC +5 VDC USB 1
3 D0- Data -
5 D0+ Data +
7 GND Ground
9 key
2 VCC +5 VDC USB 2
4 D1- Data -
6 D1+ Data +
8 GND Ground
10 N/C


  • True Plug’n’Play.
  • Hot plug and unplug
  • Low cost
  • Easy of use
  • 127 physical devices
  • Low cost cables and connectors


  • Keyboards, mice, joysticks, modems


  • Full speed: 12 Mbps speed (requires shielded cable)
  • Low speed: 1.5 Mbps speed (non-shielded cable)


USB Host = The computer, only one host per USB system. USB Device = A hub or a Function.

Power usage

Bus-powered hubs: Draw Max 100 mA at power up and 500 mA normally. Self-powered hubs: Draw Max 100 mA, must supply 500 mA to each port. Low power, bus-powered functions: Draw Max 100 mA. High power, bus-powered functions: Self-powered hubs: Draw Max 100 mA, must supply 500 mA to each port. ‘Self-powered functions: **Draw Max 100 mA. **Suspended device:’ Max 0.5 mA


  • Supplied voltage by a host or a powered hub ports is between 4.75 V and 5.25 V.
  • Maximum voltage drop for bus-powered hubs is 0.35 V from it’s host or hub to the hubs output port.
  • All hubs and functions must be able to send configuration data at 4.4 V, but only low-power functions need to be working at this voltage.
  • Normal operational voltage for functions is minimum 4.75 V.


Shield should only be connected to Ground at the host. No device should connect Shield to Ground.


Shielded: Data: 28 AWG twisted Power: 28 AWG - 20 AWG non-twisted

Non-shielded: Data: 28 AWG non-twisted Power: 28 AWG - 20 AWG non-twisted

Power Gauge Max length
28 0.81 m
26 1.31 m
24 2.08 m
22 3.33 m
20 5.00 m

USB Charger

To force charging of your iPod, PSP or any USB device, you have to force high the levels of the data pins 2 (D-) and 3 (D+) by connecting them to a +5V using a 10KOhm resistor.


Category:Buses Connectors


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