Cyclades cabling diagrams

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serial interface cable

8 pin RJ45 (8P8C) male connector layout 8 pin RJ45 (8P8C) male connector

9 pin D-SUB female connector diagram 9 pin D-SUB female connector

DB-25 to DB-25, straight-thru

     DB-25                  DB-25 
     M / F                  M / F 
    --------              -------- 
     2   TxD ------------ TxD    2 
     3   RxD ------------ RxD    3 
     7   Gnd ------------ Gnd    7 
    20   DTR ------------ DTR   20 
     6   DSR ------------ DSR    6 
     8   DCD ------------ DCD    8 
     4   RTS ------------ RTS    4 
     5   CTS ------------ CTS    5 

DB-25 to DB-25, crossover

      DB-25                  DB-25 
      M / F                  M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      2   TxD ------------ RxD   3 
      3   RxD ------------ TxD   2 
      7   Gnd ------------ Gnd   7 
     20   DTR --------|--- DSR   6 
                      |--- DCD   8 
      6   DSR ---|-------- DTR   20 
      8   DCD ---| 
      4   RTS ------------ CTS   5 
      5   CTS ------------ RTS   4 

DB-25 to DB-9, straight-thru

      DB-25                  DB-9 
      M / F                  M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      2   TxD ------------ TxD    3 
      3   RxD ------------ RxD    2 
      7   Gnd ------------ Gnd    5 
     20   DTR ------------ DTR    4 
      6   DSR ------------ DSR    6 
      8   DCD ------------ DCD    1 
      4   RTS ------------ RTS    7 
      5   CTS ------------ CTS    8 

DB-25 to DB-9, crossover

      DB-25                  DB-9 
      M / F                  M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      2   TxD ------------ RxD   2 
      3   RxD ------------ TxD   3 
      7   Gnd ------------ Gnd   5 
     20   DTR --------|--- DCD   1 
                      |--- DSR   6 
      6   DSR ---|-------- DTR   4 
      8   DCD ---| 
      4   RTS ------------ CTS   8 
      5   CTS ------------ RTS   7 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to DB-25, straight-thru

      RJ-45                  DB-25 
     Cyclades                M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      3   TxD ------------ TxD    2 
      6   RxD ------------ RxD    3 
      4   Gnd ------------ Gnd    7 
      2   DTR ------------ DTR   20 
      8   DSR ------------ DSR    6 
      7   DCD ------------ DCD    8 
      1   RTS ------------ RTS    4 
      5   CTS ------------ CTS    5 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to DB-25, crossover

      RJ-45                  DB-25 
     Cyclades                M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      3   TxD ------------ RxD   3 
      6   RxD ------------ TxD   2 
      4   Gnd ------------ Gnd   7 
      2   DTR --------|--- DSR   6 
                      |--- DCD   8 
      7   DCD ---|-------- DTR   20 
      8   DSR ---| 
      1   RTS ------------ CTS   5 
      5   CTS ------------ RTS   4 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to DB-9, straight-thru

      RJ-45                  DB-9 
     Cyclades                M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      3   TxD ------------ TxD    3 
      6   RxD ------------ RxD    2 
      4   Gnd ------------ Gnd    5 
      2   DTR ------------ DTR    4 
      8   DSR ------------ DSR    6 
      7   DCD ------------ DCD    1 
      1   RTS ------------ RTS    7 
      5   CTS ------------ CTS    8 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to DB-9, crossover

      RJ-45                  DB-9 
     Cyclades                M / F 
     --------              -------- 
      3   TxD ------------ RxD   2 
      6   RxD ------------ TxD   3 
      4   Gnd ------------ Gnd   5 
      2   DTR --------|--- DCD   1 
                      |--- DSR   6 
      7   DCD ---|-------- DTR   4 
      8   DSR ---| 
      1   RTS ------------ CTS   8 
      5   CTS ------------ RTS   7 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to RJ-45 (Cyclades), straight-thru

      RJ-45                 RJ-45  
     Cyclades              Cyclades  
     --------              -------- 
      3   TxD ------------ TxD    3 
      6   RxD ------------ RxD    6 
      4   Gnd ------------ Gnd    4 
      2   DTR ------------ DTR    2 
      8   DSR ------------ DSR    8 
      7   DCD ------------ DCD    7 
      1   RTS ------------ RTS    1 
      5   CTS ------------ CTS    5 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to RJ-45 (Cyclades), crossover

      RJ-45                 RJ-45  
     Cyclades              Cyclades  
     --------              -------- 
      3   TxD ------------ RxD   6 
      6   RxD ------------ TxD   3 
      4   Gnd ------------ Gnd   4 
      2   DTR --------|--- DCD   7 
                      |--- DSR   8 
      7   DCD ---|-------- DTR   2 
      8   DSR ---| 
      1   RTS ------------ CTS   5 
      5   CTS ------------ RTS   1 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to RJ-45 (Sun/Cisco), straight-thru

      RJ-45                  RJ-45  
     Cyclades              Sun/Cisco 
     --------              --------- 
      3   TxD ------------ TxD    3 
      6   RxD ------------ RxD    6 
      4   Gnd --------|--- Gnd    4 
                      |--- Gnd    5 
      2   DTR ------------ DTR    2 
      7   DCD ------------ DSR    7 
      1   RTS ------------ RTS    1 
      5   CTS ------------ CTS    8 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to RJ-45 (Sun/Cisco), crossover

      RJ-45                  RJ-45  
     Cyclades              Sun/Cisco 
     --------              --------- 
      3   TxD ------------ RxD    6 
      6   RxD ------------ TxD    3 
      4   Gnd --------|--- Gnd    4 
                      |--- Gnd    5 
      2   DTR ------------ DSR    7 
      7   DCD ------------ DTR    2 
      1   RTS ------------ CTS    8 
      5   CTS ------------ RTS    1 

RJ-45 (Cyclades) to MMJ (DEC), crossover

      RJ-45                   MMJ  
     Cyclades                 DEC 
     --------              --------- 
      3   TxD ------------ RxD    5 
      6   RxD ------------ TxD    2 
      4   Gnd --------|--- Gnd    3 
                      |--- Gnd    4 
      2   DTR ------------ DSR    6 
      7   DCD ------------ DTR    1 

DB-9 to DB-9, crossover

      DB-9                  DB-9 
      M / F                 M / F 
     --------              -------- 
     1 ----+--------- 4 (1 and 6 to 4) 
     6 ----+ 
     2 -------------- 3 (2 connected to 3) 
     3 -------------- 2 (3 connected to 2) 
     4 --------+----- 1 (4 connected to 1 and 6) 
               +----- 6 
     5 -------------- 5 (5 connected to 5) 
     7 -------------- 8 (7 connected to 8) 
     8 -------------- 7 (8 connected to 7) 



Category:Serial Cables


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