Sendon UPS-500 dumb

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connector or cable wiring Part# M2501. Should work with RUPS for DOS/Windows software

9 pin D-SUB male connector layout 9 pin D-SUB male connector to the UPS

9 pin D-SUB female connector diagram 9 pin D-SUB female connector to the computer

UPS Signal Name DB-9 Male (UPS end) DB-9 Female (PC end) PC Signal Name
AC Fail 2 8 CTS, connected by R 1k8 to pin 7(RTS)
Batt Low 5 1 DCD, connected by R 1k8 to pin 8 (CTS). Connected by R 1k8 to pin 7(RTS)
Shutdown 6 R=10k, 4 DTR
Common 4,7 3 TxD



Category:Miscellaneous Cables


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