APC BackUPS ES (old) cable wiring

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connector or cable wiring APC part # 940-0119A

9 pin D-SUB male connector layout 9 pin D-SUB male connector to the PC

9 pin D-SUB male connector diagram 9 pin D-SUB male connector to the UPS

The BackUPS ES has a straight through serial cable with no identification on the plugs.

         computer           ----------- BackUPS-ES ----------------- 
         DB9-M              DB-9F 
         pin    signal      pin 
          4      DSR   ->    4 --+ 
                                 |  diode   resistor 
          6      DTR   ->    6 --+---->|----/\/\/\---o kill power 
          1      DCD   <-    1 --+ 
          2      RxD   <-    2 --+----------------+--o low battery 
          7      RTS   ->    7 --------+--/\/\/\--+ 
          8      RI    <-    8 --+----------------+--o on battery 
          9      CTS   <-    9 --+ 
          5      GND   ---   5 ----------------------o ground 
          3      TxD         3 nc 



Category:Miscellaneous Cables


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