GSM all-in-one (MegaAdy GSM unlock box) schematic

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cellphone cable and connector wiring scheme Complex GSM box, including MBUS support. Should work with Ericsson, Siemens, Panasonic, Sagem, Sony, Alcatel, Motorola, Nokia, Bosch.

9 pin D-SUB female connector layout 9 pin D-SUB female connector to the computer

universal mobile cellular cable or data-cable

This scheme is some kind of RS-232 Converter.

Almost all digital devices we use require TTL or CMOS logic levels. That"s why the first step when trying to connect the device to RS-232 port is transformation of RS-232 levels ack into 0 and 5 Volts. This is done by RS-232 Level Converters, like a Max 232.



Category:Cellular Phones Cables


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